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Correntes de rolos


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Standard single-row roller chain is a combination of pin links and roller links arranged alternately. The distance between the centers of the pin links is called the pitch. Pitch is a classification standard for chain size. The larger the pitch, the higher the load rating. Chains with smaller pitches carry less load, run quieter, and have higher speeds. Multi-row small pitch roller chains are an ideal solution for high-load, high-speed applications.
The pitch of standard links, pin links, and roller links are all even numbers. Roller chains can be shortened by removing links and can be lengthened by adding whole or half links (offset links).AINEstem estoque suficiente, comunique-se com nossa equipe de vendas paraobter a última cotação.

Marca: NSAR,3D, OWO, NASA, CBQ, marca OEM Item: 08B-1-10FT, 50-1-10FT, 80-1-10FT,100-1-10FT
Certificado: ISO9001-2015 Original: China
Tipo: Correntes Material: 40MN
Embalagem: Caixa, caixas e paletes. Aplicativo: Corrente de transmissão, corrente de transporte, corrente de elevação, corrente de máquinas agrícolas, corrente de aço inoxidável, etc.

Estrutura da corrente de rolo

The structure of roller chain is composed of inner link plates, outer links 2, pin shafts, bushings and rollers. The inner link plate and sleeve, the outer link plate and the pin are connected by interference fit, which are called inner and outer chain links; the roller and sleeve, and the sleeve and the pin are clearance fit. When the inner and outer link plates are relatively deflected, the sleeve can rotate freely around the pin, and the roller is sleeved on the sleeve. When working, the roller rolls along the sprocket tooth profile to reduce the wear of the gear teeth. The wear of the chain mainly occurs on the contact surface between the pin and the sleeve. Therefore, a small gap should be left between the inner and outer link plates to allow the lubricating oil to penetrate between the friction surfaces. The chain plate is generally made into an “8” shape, so that each cross section has nearly equal tensile strength, which also reduces the mass of the chain and the inertia force during movement.Clique para ver outros acessórios mecânicos de alta qualidade.

Material da corrente de rolo

Most of the chain parts are made of carbon steel, alloy steel or stainless steel, and are heat treated to improve strength, wear resistance and impact resistance. Roller chains can be made into single-row chains and multi-row chains. When transmitting high power, double-row chains or multi-row chains can be used. The load-bearing capacity of a multi-row chain is proportional to the number of rows. However, due to the influence of precision, the load on the parallel chain is not easy to be uniform, so the number of rows should not be too many.
Roller chains have been standardized to 25.4/16mm. The basic parameters of roller chains are pitch p, roller outer diameter d1, etc., among which pitch p is the main parameter of roller chains. The larger the pitch, the larger the size of each part of the chain, and the greater the power that can be transmitted.
The length of the chain is expressed by the number of links Lp. The number of links is preferably an even number to facilitate the connection of the inner and outer chain plates when the chain is connected. The connection can be made with a split pin or a spring lock plate. If the number of links is an odd number, a transition link should be used at the connection. When the chain is loaded, the transition link not only bears tension, but also additional bending loads, which should be avoided as much as possible.
The marking of the roller chain is: chain number-number of rows×number of links standard code.

Como medir uma corrente de rolos

Esteja você construindo do zero ou atualizando um projeto existente, encontrar o tamanho certo para sua corrente de rolos é uma primeira decisão crucial. Para medir com precisão uma corrente de rolos, você precisa saber a largura total, o diâmetro e a largura dos rolos, a espessura da placa e a altura.

Funções das correntes de rolos

Generally speaking, roller chains have four main functions:
Move materials or objects from one location to another
Transmitir energia
Ensure that one action follows the previous action continuously over a period of time
Change the direction of motion from linear to rotation

Vantagens da corrente de rolo
Roller chains have distinct advantages over belt drives in these functions because they experience virtually no slippage or stretching on the chain, even under heavy loads, and are extremely efficient and durable. Our roller chains have exceptional strength and durability, thanks to our effective heat treatment and 100% lubrication technology. Roller chains are ideal for use in high-stress environments because they hold up even under the most difficult conditions, such as high and low temperatures or start-stop action use. Regardless of the industry, roller chains are a necessity to keep things running smoothly in a variety of light and heavy-duty applications. By investing in a quality roller chain for your everyday machinery, you are more likely to enjoy consistent and stable business. These roller chains also have a virtually unlimited shelf life as long as they are stored and maintained in the proper environment.

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